Huck (Huckleberry) came to Edinger Surgical Options with rear legs bowed way out from his body and he couldn't walk normally. Huck tired easily with activities and would often choose to lie down rather than play. Gradually and over time, his hunched appearance and reluctance to be active increased, and so his family sought our specialists for an evaluation.
After reviewing the information provided by Huck's family and referring veterinarian, and a thorough physical exam, Huck was diagnosed with severe deformities of both femurs, and both of his patellas (kneecaps) stuck in lateral luxation (toward the outside of his knees). This means that Huck's cranial cruciate ligaments (CCL) which are similar to human anterior cruciate ligaments (ACL), were at high risk for failure, and both hips showed significant subluxation (partial dislocation) that could lead to hip osteoarthritis.
Our team discussed this diagnosis and treatment options with Huck's family, and they chose to move forward with planning the surgeries to correct both right and left femoral angular limb deformities and lateral patellar luxations (LPL). This planning started with a computerized tomography (CT) scan of both femurs from pelvis to tarsi, utilizing our in-house CT scanner.
The CT scans allowed our surgeons to assess the extent of the deformities and then to create digital 3D modeling to plan the complex bone corrections. They used this information to design and 3D print specific guides that would be sterilized and used during each of Huck's surgeries. Use of custom guides allows for a dry run surgical rehearsal prior to surgery, preparation of the implants for surgery, and an accurate correction for a very challenging problem. We created the 3D models and 3D printed guides in collaboration with fellow orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Jason Bleedorn, who now works at Colorado State University.
In July 2021, Dr. Edinger and Dr. Hoffman performed the right correction on Huck, and 8 weeks later, in Sept 2021, Dr. Eby and Dr. Hoffman performed the left correction. Because of the careful pre-planning with CT scans, 3D modeling and 3D printing, the three surgeons were able to move two difficult surgeries forward with great precision and success.
After each procedure, Huck was prescribed 8 weeks of guided rehabilitation, including progress rechecks every-2-weeks.
His family's diligence and consistency with his rehabilitation and activity restrictions were evident in his 2-week, 4-week and 6-week recheck exams. By carefully monitoring him and keeping him confined to one room, they had minimized his chances of slipping and falling, or irritating (licking or picking at) his incisions. He was healing well and progressively gaining strength, mobility and flexibility. At Huck's 11-week recheck, radiographs confirmed that both femurs had healed well and since his family was committed to daily controlled leash walks and regular massage and strengthening work, our surgeons recommended he be rechecked at 6 months out from his second surgery. In March of 2022, 6 months from his left side corrective surgery, Huck's healing and strength had progressed remarkably and our surgeons were pleased to release him to return to his normal activity.
Every limb deformity is unique, and many are treatable. The surest way to explore available options is to speak with an orthopedic specialist. Radiographs and CT scans are often used to help evaluate the bones and aid the diagnosis and decision-making process. Our surgeons carefully employ pre-operative planning techniques such as 3D modeling and 3D printing, to maximize the success of surgery by more completely understanding the location and magnitude of the deformity, to plan the location of the cuts in the bone, to ensure that optimum implants are utilized, and to tailor the recovery phase for each individual family.
“We are so glad we partnered with Edinger Surgical Options because they had the experience, creativity and capability to recommend options and show us what was possible. We are so glad 3D modeling and printing could be used to guide the surgical correction of Huck's very unusual femur bones. Now our Huck is happy – running, jumping and playing as if he had always been this way. We are pleased with the outcome and we highly recommend Edinger Surgical Options to anyone seeking orthopedic expertise and guidance.”
-Jacob & Emily Hunsberger
For more information on angular limb deformities and how they are treated, please see the Angular Limb Deformity link on our Orthopedic Disorders page, or feel free to call (608-845-0002 ) or email us .
For more information about physical rehabilitation, please visit Madison Canine Rehabilitation & Acupuncture , or give them a call at (608) 492-3250 or email them at .