Edinger Surgical Options excels in the treatment of soft tissue disorders and provides highly skilled oncologic surgery. Patients are usually referred by their primary care veterinarian and at the initial appointment Dr. Edinger will work to confirm the diagnosis and present options. Here is a partial list of soft tissue surgeries we perform. Click on the bold listings to learn more about those conditions or procedures.
- Adrenalectomy
- Amputations (for aggressive pain management)
- Brachycephalic Syndrome (elongated soft palate, stenotic nares)
- Cystotomy
- Ear Canal Disease surgical options
- Gastro-intestinal
- Hepatectomy (partial)
- Inflammatory Ear Polyps treatment
- Lung Lobectomy
- Mast Cell Tumor treatment
- Laryngeal Paralysis
- Nephrectomy
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) ligation
- Perineal hernia repair
- Permanent Tracheostomy
- Persistent Right Aortic Arch (PRAA) transaction
- Portosystemic Shunt (PSS) ligation
- Skin Flap/ graft Reconstructions (trauma/ burns or large tumor excision)
- Splenectomy
- Subtotal Colectomy (megacolon)
- Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA)
- Ventral Bulla Osteotomy