The Elizabethan Collar: No Shame Involved
"Does my pet really need to wear the plastic cone?" This question is frequently asked by clients in the exam room. In short, the answer will always be a resounding "yes". Veterinarians don't suggest it for their own health, they suggest it for your pet's.
The dreaded "cone of shame" is very important in protecting the surgery. Wearing an e-collar prevents the patient from irritating (licking, biting, scratching) an already compromised area that needs time to heal. No shame involved.
No matter how well-mannered or well-trained our pets are, they'll often try to get to a healing area in order to lick or chew it.
A properly fitted e-collar should extend past the muzzle of the patient and have a snug fit around the neck (you shouldn't be able to fit more than two fingers between the neck and the collar). The collar should remain on the patient for 14 days after surgery.
The e-collar is not a medieval torture device meant to bruise shins and scrape paint off of your walls (although, this can happen). It is a rather inexpensive tool intended to support healing and save your pet from additional, but preventable treatment. It will save you time, frustration, and money in the long run.