What is Angular Limb Deformity?

An angular deformity refers to any condition in which a limb is not straight. Deformities are found in front and rear limbs and are due to abnormal bone growth or abnormal healing from injuries. The severity is dependent on which bone is affected and patient age. Younger patients, with significant growth potential, typically get more severe deformities if left untreated. Severe untreated deformities often result in poor or complete loss of limb function due to abnormal joint forces.


Dogs often present with lameness and odd gaits. X-rays and CT scans allow for definitive diagnosis of which bones are affected. The scans are also used to help plan the corrective surgery.


3D plans are created using CT images of the limb. Specialized plates and external fixators are used to straighten the bone after guided bone osteotomies. Post-operative care for 8-12 weeks is critical to a successful outcome.

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