In the Edinger Surgical Options hospital you will find well-equipped examination and treatment areas, diagnostic options including digital radiography, computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, arthroscopy and intraoperative fluroscopy (C-arm), RECOVERY STAY™ suites and a dedicated physical rehabilitation area.

The building accommodates a separate, air-flow-controlled surgery wing with two state-of-the-art surgery suites. A surgery pack room adjoins each suite for seamless transfer of sterile instruments and supplies, providing the best possible care.

Our hospital also includes a welcoming reception and waiting area, private exam rooms, an Intensive Care Unit, isolation room, dog recovery suites, and separate accommodations for cats, as well as a large and daylit conference room for the educational seminars we offer to veterinarians. Fresh air, sunlight and outdoor reveries are available while sitting in or strolling about our 2-acre healing campus at 1848 Waldorf Veterinary Care .
